The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Human Side of Business

"Thank God", when someone who is ready to become your tenant, especially some of those that are from more religious countries, and they say something like “Thank God for having found you Mr. Greg…” but really meaning it deep down. It's really flattering and rewarding to hear something like that. Those types of comments are what moves me in this business.

Treat people like people, that’s all.

People just want to be treated with dignity and respect. And the housing or room market right now is chaotic and landlords are throwing people out just to a make a few euros. This is bad for business and bad for Porto.

Nothing is Perfect

Nobody is perfect and no business model is perfect. I am always striving to make things better and that the tenants have a benefiting experience from the home they are renting. If they aren’t happy at the home, then they won´t be happy in what they are doing here.

It is my goal as landlord to make you, the tenant as comfortable and enjoy your time while at the home. Of course, no one came to Portugal to just stay at home, and that is good. But everyone needs that place that they need to call home.


Another rewarding side for me is when the new future tenants reach out to me for the first time, sometimes being their first time having to deal with finding a place. You can feel the vibe of excitement in them, coming to Porto, starting their studies, internships, jobs, or whatever it is they are coming for. I am usually one of those first persons from the receiving country (Portugal) which I consider my country now, after being an expat over 25 years in Porto, and being that connection to their near future home.

I will be the one they talk to many times way before they begin their journey, but once they arrive, our engagement slows down and I fade out of the picture, which is a good thing. My duty is to help them settle, then the rest is on each one to make their way in this beautiful and so historical city.


I have had the good fortune of having some friendships out of my tenants and that is another great reward of my job. Meeting interesting people, mostly young college students that want to change the world or their country, full of ideas and energy. Although my position is landlord,  I do make myself approachable and I am always interested in hearing people's stories or opinions.

May you have a great year ahead of you in 2023.

The Realities of the Rental Market

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